Abogado de contaminación del agua de Camp Lejeune

Camp Lejeune long served as a training ground for the United States Marine Corps. Starting in 1941 and lasting until the present day, Marines and their families lived at this camp. Many Marines participated in amphibious assault training while residing at the camp. While the United States government had a duty to protect the well-being of all people living on the base, we now know that they failed in this obligation. Specifically, Camp Lejeune residents faced exposure to contaminated tap water from 1953 through 1987. If you lived at Camp Lejeune from these dates and are now suffering from the side effects, you might be able to pursue financial compensation. For veterans, this could include seeking benefits from the VA’s disability compensation program. For family members, it may be possible to join an ongoing mass tort that could allow you to pursue payments without needing to file a formal lawsuit in court.

Compensación para veteranos que vivieron en Camp Lejeune

We now know that the tap water at Camp Lejeune contained a collection of contaminants that have the potential to significantly impact a person's long-term health. Potential complications from exposure to this water over an extended period include a variety of cancers, liver failure, and even ALS. Because Marines faced exposure to this danger while serving on active duty, they may be able to collect compensation through the Programa de compensación por discapacidad de VA. Este marco puede proporcionar pagos directos a los veteranos que puedan demostrar que su condición médica actual es producto de estar en servicio activo en el ejército. Nuestros abogados expertos podría ayudar a los veteranos y sus familias a establecer la conexión entre su condición y el agua contaminada de Camp Lejeune. Un abogado podría recomendar presentar una apelación en nombre de los veteranos si un reclamo de beneficios ya resultó en una denegación. En resumen, un abogado está preparado para tomar todas las medidas necesarias para ayudar a los veteranos a recibir los beneficios que necesitan para cubrir sus daños y gastos médicos.

Buscando justicia para las familias de los marines de Camp Lejeune

While diseases related to drinking contaminated water most often affect Marines, the fact is that their families may also have lived at Camp Lejeune and ingested these dangerous substances. As a result, spouses and children may also now be suffering from serious diseases. However, as non-veterans, they do not have the ability to seek compensation from the VA. Instead, federal courts have recognized that multiple people have suffered similar injuries from a same set of facts. This allows these people to join their individual lawsuits together into what is known as a mass tort. Under the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 Código de los Estados Unidos § 2671-2680, las personas que buscan una compensación pueden unir sus casos en una sola demanda cuando hay un acusado común y un patrón de hechos sustancialmente similar. Los tribunales ya han reconocido el hecho de que los acontecimientos de Camp Lejeune se ajustan a estos criterios y han certificado que un grupo de demandantes pueden exigir una indemnización. Un abogado experimentado ayuda a los familiares de los veteranos de Camp Lejeune a determinar si son elegibles para unirse a esta demanda en curso y exigir una compensación por sus lesiones.

Póngase en contacto con un abogado especializado en contaminación del agua de Camp Lejeune ahora

A collection of contaminants in Camp Lejeune’s water supply affected both Marines and their families from 1953 through 1987. Exposure to these substances has resulted in a higher rate of diagnosis of serious diseases such as cancer, organ failure, and Parkinson’s. If you were a Marine stationed at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days during this time or were a family member living on the base, you may have the right to demand compensation for your losses. A Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer could help you collect these payments. This may involve seeking benefits through the VA’s disability compensation program or joining in a mass tort with other people suffering from similar ailments. Hable con un abogado ahora para explorar sus opciones.