Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Georgetown

Los accidentes automovilísticos son increíblemente comunes, pero eso no los hace menos graves para los involucrados. Las lesiones causadas por accidentes automovilísticos pueden ser increíblemente dañinas y provocar lesiones graves y, a menudo, permanentes. No importa el nivel de sus lesiones, cuando un acusado fue la causa de esas lesiones por su negligencia, usted tiene derecho a que su caso sea analizado por un abogado experto en lesiones. An experienced Georgetown car accident lawyer could help you determine the strength of your case and whether money damages may be available to you. Schedule a consultation today.

Lesiones Comunes por Choques Automovilísticos

Car crashes often happen at high speeds, but even low-speed impacts can cause significant injuries. The injuries often require long recovery times, hospitalization, surgery, and rehabilitation. Some may even cause a person’s death in serious cases. When negligence is the cause of the plaintiff’s injuries, a car accident lawsuit may be able to provide compensation. Injuries that commonly occur after a car accident include:
  • Daño cutáneo
  • Fracturas y huesos rotos
  • Quemaduras
  • Pérdida de extremidades
  • Destrucción de órganos
  • Lesión cerebral traumática
  • Parálisis
  • Muerte
Estas lesiones pueden generar costos muy altos de tratamiento médico y más. Cuando ocurren por negligencia ajena, la víctima tiene derecho a pedir la restitución a los responsables.

El estatuto de limitaciones

under Estatuto de Texas Sección 16.003, a two-year statute of limitations period applies to most types of personal injury cases. While there are uncommon exceptions to this general rule, it requires that the case be filed within two years after the date of the car accident. Failure to file the lawsuit within the appropriate time period will result in its dismissal. This dismissal could occur even if the case could have been successful and resulted in a large damage award, as it is procedural and not based on the viability of the plaintiff’s claim.

Demostrar negligencia en casos de accidentes automovilísticos

Success in an auto collision lawsuit requires proof that the defendant was negligent and caused the accident. This requires proving that the defendant had a duty of care to the plaintiff, and that the defendant breached their duty of care. The plaintiff must also prove that the defendant violated the duty of care in some way. A Georgetown car crash attorney could look at different types of evidence in order to help prove the case. This can include the officer’s reports, accident reconstructions, expert testimony, and eyewitness testimony. It could also come from video recordings, income reports, medical records, and other sources which demonstrate the extent of the plaintiff’s damages.

Demostrar daños monetarios en un caso de accidente automovilístico

Una demanda civil tras un accidente automovilístico tiene como objetivo obtener una compensación financiera para el demandante. Los tipos de daños monetarios que pueden estar disponibles incluyen:
  • Daños médicos pasados ​​y futuros
  • Daños a la propiedad
  • Gastos de rehabilitación
  • Compensación por dolor y sufrimiento
  • Pérdida de consorcio
  • Muerte injusta
Estos daños pueden ayudar a la recuperación financiera del demandante después de un accidente automovilístico. Un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Georgetown podría ayudar a luchar por una compensación justa.

Consulte hoy a un abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Georgetown

A car accident should not leave you in a financial hole. When the defendant was the cause of your accident, they could be liable to you through a personal injury lawsuit. An experienced Georgetown car accident lawyer could represent your rights and help determine what financial compensation is available to you. Póngase en contacto con nuestra firma hoy para una consulta sobre su caso.