Motorcycles are among the most dangerous forms of transport on the roads today. For many riders, it’s a small price to pay for the freedom and exhilaration being a biker brings. Although daredevil videos might make you feel the need for speed, proper safety is crucial for safe riding.
According to the National Safety Council, motorcycle deaths have risen by 32% in the past ten years, indicating real risks for bikers in every part of the country. While you can’t control other people’s actions, you can control your own.
If you’ve been involved in a crash, seeking legal guidance from an Austin motorcycle accident lawyer can help you understand your rights and options.
In today’s guide, we provide eleven tips for safe riding to help you avoid accidents and get home safe.
Key Takeaways
Motorcycle deaths have reached record highs, with more than 6,000 deaths in 2022.
The best motorcycle safety tips for protecting yourself against accidents are always to wear safety equipment, follow the rules of the road, and demonstrate defensive riding strategies to detect and avoid hazards.
Approximately 72 out of 100,000 riders will experience an accident every year. However, serious injury and fatality rates are significantly higher than accidents involving cars and other vehicles.
After an accident, prioritize your own health and well-being by calling law enforcement and seeking immediate medical attention to rule out any hidden injuries.
Call a lawyer at the earliest opportunity to begin building your case and win the maximum amount of compensation.
How Can Motorcycle Accidents Be Prevented?

The IIHS reported 6,222 motorcyclists died in 2022, the highest number ever recorded. It’s clear that it takes more awareness of the specific dangers and greater awareness of bikes by other road users. More education is the key to ensuring that accidents are reduced and more motorcycle drivers get home safely.
Before discussing specific tips for motorcycle accident injury prevention, we explored the most common causes of accidents, as documented by Nolo. The most common causes are:
Cars making left-handed turns.
Lane splitting.
Driving while intoxicated.
Road hazards.
However, another issue is motorcyclists not wearing proper safety gear, including helmets. According to the National Institutes of Health, the most common trauma patterns put head injuries at the top of the tree. Due to the lack of natural protection for bikers, severe injuries are far more common than among drivers of enclosed vehicles.
Tip 1: Always Wear Protective Gear
Protective gear won’t reduce your risk of an accident but will mitigate the severity of your injuries. Helmets, jackets, gloves, leggings, and boots should be considered non-negotiable for preventing the most common injuries, including traumatic brain injuries and road rash.
Don’t defer to road safety laws in your state on this issue, as many states don’t require anything more than a helmet. Illinois, Iowa, and New Hampshire have no motorcycle helmet laws, and 28 states only mandate them in specific situations.
Go beyond the law and ensure you have the best possible gear. Pay special attention to the helmet and only purchase a helmet approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
What’s the Data on Helmet-Wearing?
Helmets are the single most vital piece of safety gear you can wear. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation reveals that helmets decrease the risk of head injuries by 69%. Always check that your helmet is built from durable, reliable materials to maximize your safety.
However, helmets aren’t just effective at prevention but also reducing the risk of fatal injuries. The National Safety Council reveals that helmets lower fatality risk by 37% for the driver and 41% for passengers.
On a side note, riding a motorcycle without appropriate gear may impact a personal injury lawsuit, as it can be argued that riders not wearing safety gear were negligent and partially responsible for the extent of their injuries.
Tip 2: Maintain Your Motorcycle Regularly
Stay on top of regular motorcycle maintenance. Mechanical failures could result in accidents and reduce the overall reliability of your vehicle. According to the Federal Highways Administration, malfunctioning tires were the most common cause of maintenance-related accidents.
Maintenance is just as, if not more, important for bikes than any other type of vehicle. Your tires are the primary connection to the road, and incorrect pressure and tread depth directly impact your handling and braking capabilities.
Also, pay special attention to your brakes, as these are your lifelines if you encounter hazards on the road. Check your brake pads, fluid levels, and rotors to keep them in tip-top condition. Likewise, don’t forget to check your lights and signals before heading out.
How Often Should You Inspect Your Motorcycle?
Road safety experts recommend that riders perform cursory inspections of their rigs before every ride, regardless of how far they’re riding. According to Honda Global, responsible riders should book a complete professional service at least once a year. Regular riders may feel more comfortable with inspections every six months.
But what should you check as part of a daily check? Your pre-ride checklist should concentrate on:
Fluid levels
Brake condition
Chain tension
It may feel like a hassle when you know that your bike is always in excellent condition, but these simple checks could save your life.
Tip 3: Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Situational awareness is something else that could save your life. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) claims distracted driving played a part in 41% of all motorcycle accidents in 2022 because other vehicles aren’t paying attention to motorcyclists or expecting them. That’s why cars making left turns are among the most common causes of accidents.
You can’t change the behavior of those around you, but paying attention to your surroundings can cover for other people’s negligence.
The best way to increase your situational awareness is to get into the habit of focusing purely on the road ahead rather than the speedometer. Likewise, angle your gaze to a vehicle’s tires, not their lights, so that you can anticipate their actions and react accordingly.
It’s simply about not zoning out and being on high alert for anything that could unseat you.
What are the Biggest Road Dangers for Motorcyclists?
Motorcyclists face a variety of road dangers beyond the behavior of other drivers. Some of the most common hazards include potholes, roadside spills, and materials like loose gravel. Any of these could lead to your bike losing its stability.
Here’s a rundown of the biggest road dangers you might encounter:
Oil spills
Poor road conditions
Loose gravel
Standing water
Sewer covers
Black ice
Wild animals
Don’t let your guard down just because there’s little to no traffic on the road. Alternate your gaze between vehicles and the road surface because even a small bump could cause you to lose your handlebars.
Tip 4: Learn How to Deal With Common Road Hazards
The fact is you can’t avoid every accident, but familiarizing yourself with common road hazards and how to react can commit any evasive maneuvers to your muscle memory and give you a greater chance of walking away unharmed.
Here’s a breakdown of the most common road hazards and how to avoid them:
Gravel/Debris – Be cautious whenever you encounter debris on the road and adjust your riding technique. Even small stones can reduce your grip and create unpredictable handling conditions.
Oncoming Traffic – Stay vigilant and keep an eye on oncoming traffic that might be encroaching into your lane. Maintain a safe distance and avoid drifting too close to oncoming traffic entirely.
Lane Changes – Drivers often change lanes without checking (or caring) for motorcyclists. Maintain a safe following distance and stay focused to anticipate sudden lane changes.
Rear Drivers – Getting hit from behind can send you flying. The best way to avoid this issue is to stay visible, especially if you’re stopped at an intersection. Don’t get hidden behind another vehicle and create an inadvertent blind spot.
Car Doors – Opening car doors is another common cause of accidents. Maintain a safe distance from parked vehicles and watch for anyone who might be opening a car door. If possible, try not to ride too close to parked vehicles.
Potholes – Potholes and other road defects cause sudden jolts, resulting in a loss of control. The best option is avoiding them, but if you can’t, reduce your speed and go over it at an angle.
Avoiding these hazards is a matter of experience, so beginners should avoid challenging routes and the most congested times of the day. You’ll gradually gain experience, and navigating the most common hazards will become a breeze.
What’s the Best Way to React to Unexpected Obstacles?
Dealing with unexpected obstacles is what evasive actions are designed for. These are the techniques you learned in riding school. Quick evasive action usually means swerving rather than steering around something. Navigating quickly and smoothly will allow you to duck around obstacles seamlessly.
Lowering your speed also gives you an advantage in unexpected situations. Going slow means you have more time to register obstacles and determine the safest course of action. This is doubly true if you’re driving at night or in poor weather conditions.
Tip 5: Avoid Riding in Poor Weather Conditions
Poor weather conditions, like rain, snow, and high winds, dramatically increase the risks of vehicular accidents. The best way to handle poor weather conditions is to avoid riding in them entirely.
According to the Department of Transportation, 21% of all vehicular crashes involve poor weather, amounting to well over a million registered accidents. The challenges of poor weather for bikers include:
Poor hazard perception
Lowered grip
Handling difficulties
Obscured vision
If you must ride in poor weather, slow down below the usual speed limits and increase the distance between yourself and other vehicles. Wear a visor or goggles to help keep the rain and snow out of your eyes.
Tip 6: Keep a Safe Distance from Other Vehicles
Following distance is essential for all road users but even more so for motorcyclists. If someone suddenly hits the brakes, you can plow into the back of another vehicle. Unexpected stops and obstacles are a biker’s worst nightmare, so maintaining an appropriate distance could save your life.
The minimum recommended following distance for a motorbike is two seconds. However, safety experts typically recommend a distance between three and four seconds. Increase this by a second or two if you’re riding in adverse weather conditions.
Remember, a safe following distance on a dry road isn’t safe in wet conditions, where it takes longer to come to a complete halt if you must take evasive action.
How Can Riders Avoid Rear-End Collisions?
Rear-end collisions are so dangerous for motorcyclists because the impact will likely result in you being ejected from your bike. Here’s a rundown of how you can reduce your risk of a rear-end collision:
Avoid tailgating other vehicles. Adjust your following distance based on the weather and road conditions.
Switch lanes if you detect that another vehicle is tailgating you.
Ride in the best possible lane position.
Refrain from lane splitting.
Ensure that your brake lights are working before riding away.
Watch out for the brake lights of vehicles ahead of you.
Tip 7: Use Defensive Riding Techniques
Defensive riding means taking a proactive approach to road safety. The philosophy behind it is anticipating and mitigating potential hazards before they become fully-fledged dangers. Sadly, most people tend to be reactive, which increases their risk of being involved in an accident.
So, what does this mean for motorcyclists? It means being hyperaware of your surroundings, including:
Road conditions
Potential obstacles
Defensive driving is beneficial for every road user, but it’s even more critical for motorcyclists because they don’t have the physical protection of a car frame. Actively scan the road ahead, check your mirrors frequently, and beware of potential blind spots.
Tip 8: Avoid Distractions While Riding
Distracted driving makes you blind to potential hazards and enhances the chances of making a critical mistake. According to the NHTSA, more than 3,000 Americans are killed every year due to distracted driving.
Avoiding distractions is simple enough. Be mindful of the following before taking to the road:
Put your phone away and leave it on silent.
Don’t wear headphones or earbuds, as they’ll block out the sound of approaching vehicles.
Actively scan your surroundings for any hazards.
Keep checking your mirrors every few seconds.
Be vigilant for blind spots, especially when changing your lane or road position.
Above all, if you’re feeling tired, stressed, or you’ve been drinking, don’t ride at all. Remember, fatigue and substances lower your reaction times and reduce your awareness.
Tip 9: Obeying Traffic Laws
Traffic laws are there to keep you safe. Breaking traffic laws is more than just a citation. Violations put yourself and other road users at risk, including pedestrians and cyclists. If you’re involved in an accident, it can also prevent you from claiming the full amount of compensation. Moreover, traffic citations stay on your record, thus increasing your auto insurance premiums.
Some of the most common traffic laws motorcyclists break include:
Speeding (the leading cause of motorcycle accidents)
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Failing to wear a helmet when required
Driving without a license
Reckless driving
Distracted driving
Lane splitting
Familiarize yourself with the laws in your area, as every state has different rules applying to motorcyclists. Likewise, remain patient and avoid being tempted to get into conflicts with other drivers.
Tip 10: Use Proper Lane Positioning
Proper lane positioning maximizes your visibility to other road users and provides the best vantage point for spotting hazards and mitigating blind spots. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation states the safest lane position is in the leftmost third of any lane you’re riding in.
Most bikers stay in the left position most of the time because it provides additional escape routes and offers great visibility. Of course, varying your lane position will be required to handle different situations. For example, you may need to switch positions to get ready for an upcoming turn or avoid a blind spot.
Should you ride in the middle of a lane? Although it isn’t the safest place, there’s nothing inherently wrong with riding here. In some cases, it might be the best position, but the middle of the lane is also where you’re liable to find hazards, like oil spills, debris, and manhole covers.
Tip 11: Taking a Motorcycle Safety Course
Over time, all drivers develop bad habits and let their guard down. Taking a motorcycle safety course isn’t something exclusive to beginners. Regular riders also benefit from refresher courses, where they can sharpen their skills and refresh their knowledge of evasive maneuvers.
Search for a motorcycle safety course in your area to enhance your riding skills. Do your research to ensure that it’s a respected course run by experienced instructors.
What are the Chances of Getting in a Motorcycle Accident?
Your chances of getting into a motorcycle accident aren’t substantially higher than passenger cars. The issue with motorbikes is that the average crash severity is substantially higher, with the NHTSA’s statistics revealing your odds of dying in a motorbike crash are one in 747, or five times higher than passenger car occupants.
The NHTSA also reveals that 72 out of 100,000 riders will experience a crash in any given year, which is about .07% of bikers. These may seem like low odds, but these accidents are significantly more severe.
If we dig into the NHTSA statistics, we can find that 77% of non-fatal motorcycle accidents still result in injuries. In nearly all cases, these were injuries to motorcycle riders and their passengers. In short, your chances of escaping injury-free are about 23%, compared to 70% of passenger car occupants.
What Should You Do After a Motorcycle Accident?
Following a motorcycle accident, it’s vital to focus on your safety, calling for help, and gathering as much evidence as you’re able. Ultimately, your health and safety are paramount in these accidents since the majority of motor vehicle crashes involving motorcycles will result in some injury.
Here are your priorities in the immediate aftermath of an accident:
Check yourself and your passengers for injuries. Call 911 and ask an ambulance to attend if there are any serious injuries.
Call a traffic officer to attend and fill out an official police accident report.
If you’re able, use your smartphone to take photos and videos of the accident scene. Accident victims should also consult eyewitnesses and ask them to provide their contact details.
Exchange insurance details with any other vehicle drivers involved in the accident. You’re required to do this by law in every state.
Once the attending police officer gives you the all-clear, head to your nearest medical facility for a routine checkup; this will ensure any hidden symptoms are accounted for.
Finally, your next call should be to a personal injury attorney who can handle your case. A car accident lawyer will deal with your insurance company and ensure that your legal rights are protected.
How Can You Protect Your Legal Rights After a Crash?
All accident victims have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit and claim compensation for their losses. You’re entitled to claim all economic and non-economic losses, including medical expenses, bike repair bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages.
How you react after a crash is critical because not following the proper protocols could result in you not receiving the maximum amount of compensation.
Generally, protecting your legal rights boils down to seeking medical attention and gathering as much evidence as possible at the scene. Never speculate on who was at fault or discuss your case with anyone else, especially not your auto insurer.
Above all, the best way to defend your right to compensation is to call a personal injury lawyer at the earliest opportunity and follow their advice. They’ll brief you on how to avoid compromising your claim's integrity and deal with the difficulties of filing legal paperwork and dealing with insurance adjusters.
How Should You Document the Crash for a Future Claim?
Personal injury lawsuits are determined based on all available evidence. If you’re planning to file a claim because the other driver was at fault, it’s critical that you document absolutely everything.
Your first opportunity to document the crash is at the accident scene itself. If you’re in good enough condition to take out your smartphone, snap some photos and video footage. Focus on images of visible injuries, vehicle damage, and road conditions.
Write down the contact details of eyewitnesses who saw what happened so your attorney can contact them later. Note that they’re not legally required to provide their details, so you must respect their decision.
Beyond the accident scene, you should get documentation of all losses, such as repair bills, medical expenses, and medical reports. Get copies and keep them organized in a folder at home.
Other forms of evidence, like police accident reports, surveillance footage, and accident reconstructions, may also form a part of your case, but your lawyer can gather these pieces of evidence. Again, it’s another advantage of hiring an attorney to manage your case.
Why is Seeking Medical Attention Immediately Important?
Seeking medical attention immediately is crucial in the aftermath of an accident, even if you feel fine. Many common injuries may take a few hours or even a few days to display symptoms. Whiplash and traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions, are notorious for delayed symptoms.
Another reason to visit a doctor after your crash is to gather vital documentation for any personal injury claim. Not only does it function as evidence, but not seeking medical attention opens you up to accusations that your injuries couldn’t have been that serious if you didn’t see the need to go to a hospital.
In short, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, even if you walk away from your crash feeling okay.
When Should You Report the Accident to the Police?
Some accidents don’t need to be reported to the police if nobody is injured and estimated property damage falls below a certain threshold. Every state has its own rules regarding when accidents must be reported to law enforcement.
Generally, it’s always best to consult the police to handle the situation. They can attend and fill out an official accident report, which will form part of your claim. Call 911 and ask an officer to attend as one of your first steps.
When to Lawyer Up After a Motorcycle Crash
You should call a lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. Dealing with the trauma of a serious accident puts enormous strain on victims, even if their physical injuries are relatively minor. The last thing you want to do is jeopardize your claim by saying the wrong thing to an insurance adjuster.
If you’re unsure whether it’s worth the time, here’s a guide for when hiring an attorney makes sense:
Severe Injuries – Major injuries should always warrant a call to a lawyer to ensure you’re not left out of pocket by your medical bills. Examples of significant injuries include broken bones, spinal cord damage, and head trauma.
Disputed Liability – If there are questions regarding who was at fault, let your lawyer take the reins. They’ll gather all available evidence to build your case and demonstrate that the other driver was to blame.
High Medical Costs – Medical costs are usually the biggest economic cost of a motorcycle crash. If your bills are significant, your attorney will document the costs, deal with health insurers, and work to maximize your compensation package.
Insurance Company Tactics – Auto insurers aren’t your friends. They’re there to avoid paying for claims. Working with a lawyer protects your legal rights and counters any underhand tactics adjusters might employ.
Multiple Losses – Many people forget that compensation isn’t defined exclusively by physical injuries and documented dollar losses. Motorcycle accident lawyers explore every avenue to ensure you’re appropriately compensated, such as emotional distress, loss of companionship, and wrongful death.
Attorneys manage every aspect of your case, from gathering evidence to filing legal paperwork and taking charge of negotiations. They’re firmly in your corner and work to ensure that justice is done.
Remember, the best time to contact an attorney is as soon as possible. All states have statutes of limitations on personal injury claims, which could be as short as two years. Fail to file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations expires and you lose the right to claim compensation, regardless of who was at fault.
What Role Does Comparative Negligence Play in Motorcycle Cases?
Many states operate on a comparative negligence model for determining compensation. In a nutshell, this means that fault isn’t a cut-and-dry issue. You could be held partially responsible for an accident, but that doesn’t mean you’re banned from seeking compensation.
For example, you could be found 20% responsible for your accident. Under the comparative negligence model, any compensation award would be reduced by 20%. Some states also have bars on fault, meaning that if your portion of the blame exceeds a certain percentage, you’re banned from receiving monetary compensation entirely.
Can Multiple Parties Be Held Responsible for an Accident?
Multiple parties may be held responsible for an accident, meaning your lawyer may file multiple cases. Most motorcycle accident cases involve just two parties, but some cases may be considerably more complex.
For example, if your brakes failed, the bike manufacturer could be sued because the product (the bike) failed to work as intended. Likewise, if you crashed into a construction site that wasn’t appropriately signposted, you may have grounds to sue the construction company or even the municipality.
Hiring an attorney ensures that all at-fault parties are identified and held accountable for their negligence.
Motorcycle Accident FAQs
What is the main cause of most motorcycle accidents?
The leading cause of motorcycle accidents is speeding. Other common motorcycle accidents include car doors opening directly into the path of bikes, driving under the influence, and illegal lane splitting.
Who is at fault in most motorcycle accidents?
Car drivers are the most common guilty parties in motorcycle accidents. That’s because car drivers often fail to look out for motorcycles, meaning they don’t give them enough space or consider them when turning.
What age do most motorcycle accidents happen?
The highest proportion of motorcycle accidents is among young riders. According to a National Institutes of Health study, most accident-prone riders are in the 16-24 demographic, followed by the 25-34 demographic, which tracks similar accident patterns among car drivers.