Chicago Pedestrian Accident Lawyer


In 2022, the average vehicle on the road weighed about 4,329 pounds, while the average American adult weighed about 181 pounds. As you can imagine, any type of collision between a moving car and a pedestrian is sure to be devastating for the much smaller, slower pedestrian.

If you’ve found yourself on the wrong side of that scenario, then it may be the right time to reach out to a Chicago pedestrian accident attorney. Here at DJC Law, our team of proven, compassionate attorneys have made it our mission to help pedestrians like you seek out justice after an accident that wasn’t your fault. After the ordeal, you’re likely struggling with medical bills, an inability to go back to work right away, and a potentially lengthy recovery period.

Depending on what happened, you might be able to file a personal injury claim for full and fair compensation to help you manage your accident-related expenses. The right lawyer can help you identify your options based on the specific details of your incident.

Considering the severity of your losses, you need to look for an experienced Chicago pedestrian accident attorney. You can find extensive information about our firm, our attorneys, the areas we serve, and the services we provide on our attorney page. Learn more about pedestrian accidents, their consequences, and the typical litigation process in Illinois below.

Understanding Pedestrian Accidents


In Illinois, pedestrian accidents are defined as collisions that involve someone in a motor vehicle and someone who is on foot. The motor vehicle could be a person in a traditional vehicle, a commercial truck, a motorcycle, or even a bicycle. Regardless of fault, the person on foot and the person in the vehicle collide with one another, causing both parties significant damage and distress.

Statistically, you’re more likely to experience a pedestrian accident in Chicago than anywhere else in Illinois, since 37% of all traffic crashes in Illinois occur in the city. In 2022, there were 2,698 total Chicago pedestrian accidents.

Pedestrian crashes can be debilitating for victims, and they often suffer severe injuries. If you experience this type of crash, then consider seeking out pedestrian accident legal advice in Chicago promptly. The right attorney can help you begin an investigation into what happened to best protect your rights while you focus on physically recovering from your injuries.

Types of Pedestrian Accidents

The first thing a solid Chicago pedestrian accident lawyer will do when you reach out to their office is begin going over the details of your crash. There are several different types of pedestrian accidents that can be broken down based on where the incident occurred and whether the driver remained at the scene. Below, we’ll go over some of the most common types of pedestrian accidents in Chicago.

Crosswalk Accidents

Crosswalk accidents happen when a pedestrian gets hit by a car within a legal, marked walkway. Pedestrian crossings are specifically designed to help make a safe pathway for individuals who need to cross the road, but everyone needs to know and utilize the rules in order for crosswalks to be effective.

Motor vehicles must give pedestrians the right of way when they are in a crosswalk. Drivers should come to a complete stop, yield to the pedestrians, and allow the person to complete the crossing.

Pedestrian crossings might be installed at traffic lights, in which case the pedestrian should only use the walkway when the light is red, it is safe to cross, and the crosswalk indicator says that the pedestrian can go. Pedestrians should never suddenly abandon the curb or a place of safety and enter the roadway unexpectedly. Vehicles can’t reasonably be expected to stop in time if that happens.

Several factors might contribute to a crosswalk crash, including a potentially negligent driver, issues with visibility, or poor crosswalk infrastructure. To determine your legal options, it’s best to consult with a crosswalk accident lawyer in Chicago about what happened.

Intersection Accidents

Another type of pedestrian accident happens at intersections. Intersections are defined as a junction between two or more roadways, which means traffic must intersect with each other in these areas. In Chicago, many intersections are equipped with traffic control lights since traffic is high in the city, but there are intersections where only stop signs are in place.

An intersection accident might happen when a driver commits a red light or stop sign violation. The driver could fail to yield to the pedestrian, or the pedestrian could potentially walk into the crosswalk on a green light when the car has the right of way. If you’re not sure about your rights after experiencing this type of crash, then your best option is to speak with an intersection accident attorney in Chicago. The right lawyer will help you identify your options based on the details of your crash.

Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run pedestrian accidents happen when the person in the motor vehicle strikes the pedestrian and flees the scene without calling for help. These types of pedestrian accidents are particularly dangerous. Since pedestrians are likely to get seriously hurt, they may not be in a position to be able to call for help. Even worse, they could be in a very vulnerable position, possibly in the middle of the road or the side of the road at night. Delaying medical care increases the likelihood that the pedestrian’s serious injuries will turn out to be fatal.

In a recent hit-and-run incident, a 63-year-old was fatally struck in Roseland neighborhood in Chicago. If medical treatment was provided faster, then it's possible the victim may have survived.

If you get involved in a hit-and-run situation, then it’s paramount to contact a Chicago hit-and-run pedestrian lawyer as soon as possible. You need to involve the police and ensure that an investigation is immediately started so there is a better chance of tracking down the perpetrator.

If you are able to identify the culprit, then you can not only pursue criminal charges against them but also seek out compensation through a lawsuit. If you’re not able to determine who hit you, then a hit-and-run pedestrian accident lawyer might still be able to help you identify other options for recovery depending on the specific circumstances surrounding your pedestrian accident.

Parking Lot Accidents

Another common type of pedestrian accident happens in parking lots. Parking lots are more dangerous than you might think, despite the slow speed that most cars are traveling. Since speed limits are slow, many drivers become overly distracted or overwhelmed by foot traffic and vehicles navigating different parking spots.

Slow speed accidents might seem like they’d be less serious than other collisions, but these types of pedestrian accidents can lead to injuries that are equally as debilitating.

In a recent incident, a driver hit a pedestrian in the parking lot at the Metra Clybourn Train Station, leaving the pedestrian with injuries severe enough to require hospitalization.

An experienced parking lot accident attorney will be able to connect you with the right medical experts to testify on your behalf regarding the seriousness of your parking lot pedestrian accident if you experience a similar situation.

Sidewalk Accidents

Unfortunately, some pedestrian accidents occur on the sidewalk. Sidewalks are intended to be, and should always be, exclusively used by pedestrians and bicyclists. Motorcyclists and motor vehicles should never be on the sidewalk, but it’s not uncommon for cars to veer off the road.

Sidewalk accidents often require specialized legal representation. The best pedestrian accident attorney in Chicago should be able to secure a significant settlement award in your case considering that the vehicle should’ve never been in the sidewalk to begin with. The most common causes for sidewalk accidents include distracted and impaired driving. The right sidewalk accident lawyer in Chicago will help launch an investigation into your crash to help you prove what happened.

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

After experiencing your pedestrian crash, you’ll want to determine what caused it. This factor will play a major role in determining your legal options. In general, you’ll only be able to pursue a legal claim for financial reimbursement if someone else caused your accident.

Below, we’ll go over some of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents here in Chicago and the surrounding areas.

Negligent Drivers

The leading cause of pedestrian accidents in and around Chicago is negligence. Negligence is a legal term that describes a person’s failure to act with reasonable care. Drivers who are intentionally speeding, breaking traffic laws, failing to properly yield to other traffic, or getting distracted behind the wheel are all guilty of displaying negligent driving behaviors.

Under the law, a driver that’s negligent is also financially responsible for the losses associated with an accident that results from that negligence. A distracted driving pedestrian accident lawyer can help you identify whether negligence caused your pedestrian accident if you’re not sure if your situation rises to the level of driver negligence.

In one very publicized case from 2022, two men were street racing around Chicago’s Clearing neighborhood when they struck and killed 40-year-old Shawman Meireis who was legally attempting to cross the road in a crosswalk. Unfortunately, this intentional speeding put everyone at risk.

When you suspect driver negligence caused your pedestrian accident, you need to get in touch with a negligent driving pedestrian accident lawyer. An effective pedestrian injury attorney in Chicago will get to work identifying and proving the other party’s negligence.

Impaired Driving

Unfortunately, impaired driving continues to be another leading cause of pedestrian collisions in Chicago. Motorists who consume alcohol or drugs are more likely to get involved in pedestrian accidents due to a decreased ability to see clearly, impaired judgment, an altered state of consciousness, and other effects of the substance.

In one recent devastating case, an intoxicated driver fatally struck a pedestrian and former Marine that was attempting to change a tire on the Stevenson Expressway.

The right impaired driving pedestrian accident attorney will help you determine your options. It is possible for you to file criminal charges against the driver, and you can also file a personal injury lawsuit against the impaired driver, as well. Here at DJC Law, our Chicago pedestrian accident law firm has handled numerous intoxicated driver pedestrian accident claims, so we know exactly what it takes to secure a fair settlement. We understand how the involvement of an intoxicating substance or illegal drug can compound your emotional distress over the situation. That said, you can rely on our experience and expertise to secure justice after what happened.

Poor Road Conditions

Another factor that could’ve caused or contributed to your pedestrian accident is poor road conditions. Factors like inadequate lighting at night, a lack of proper signage, or decaying crosswalk markings that are hard to see can all contribute to a pedestrian crash. In these circumstances, the city of Chicago might be held liable, since they’re responsible for the installation and maintenance of pedestrian crosswalks. As you can imagine, going up against the city government is no easy feat. You’ll need to prove that the city was negligent in some way, meaning they should’ve reasonably known about the dangerous crosswalk situation and failed to address it. If the city was unaware of the problem, then it might be difficult to prove that they acted in a negligent way.

That said, it’s still important for you to file your report and take action. Not only will you be seeking personal justice, but you’ll be seeking justice for all pedestrian accident victims in Illinois by ensuring that the city is aware of the crosswalk danger and is prompted to act.

Pedestrian Behavior

Another important factor that could cause or contribute to a pedestrian accident is the behavior of the pedestrians themselves. Under the law, pedestrians shouldn’t ever leave the safety of the curb or sidewalk unexpectedly, but this happens far more often than you’d think.

According to the City of Chicago, children aged five to 18 are the age group that are most likely to be involved in a pedestrian crash. One of the biggest reasons for this is because this age group is also the most likely to commit jaywalking or engage in distracted walking. Too often, young adults are so invested in their cell phone screens that they do not realize they’re walking into traffic or a dangerous situation. Even younger children may not realize the dangers of the road and simply unexpectedly jump into traffic.

Consequences of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian collisions usually result in substantial injuries for the person on foot. The most obvious and immediate consequence of the accident will be the pedestrian’s pain and injuries, but that’s typically only the beginning of the person’s losses. Once they’ve received the proper medical treatment at the hospital, they may find themselves comping with even more losses due to unexpected medical bills, an inability to return to work, and the emotional distress of remembering what happened.

The law in Illinois considers these factors, and that’s why the law is designed to allow injured individuals to file a legal claim for compensation to cover these losses when the accident wasn’t their fault. Compensation for pedestrian accident victims in Chicago should reimburse the injured party for all of their financial, emotional, and physical damages.

Physical Injuries

According to the City of Chicago, over half of fatal pedestrian accidents happen when the person is struck by an SUV or larger vehicle. In general, the bigger the vehicle and the faster moving it is, the more likely the pedestrian is to sustain severe, and even fatal, injuries.

Some of the most commonly reported physical injuries after a pedestrian accident include broken bones, fractures, sprains, traumatic brain injury, neck injuries, internal injury, spinal cord injuries, and cuts. Depending on the severity of the injury, a lengthy recovery period may be necessary. Victims may require surgery, or they could have no choice but to learn how to cope with a permanent, serious injury.

Emotional Impact

Another consequence of a pedestrian accident is the emotional impact on the person. Humans need to feel a sense of safety in life, and when a traumatic event occurs, like a pedestrian crash, the person’s entire mindset can be corrupted. Psychological trauma can be difficult to overcome. Depending on how the person responded to the crash and the extent of their injuries, the person could develop conditions like anxiety, depression, or even PTSD. Unfortunately, these conditions can be debilitating and create further losses for the victim as they struggle to cope.

Economic Consequences

Immediately after the crash, the injured pedestrian will incur medical expenses. These initial medical expenses could increase over time, though, if the person needs more rehabilitation and care to fully recover. If you experience this, then understand that your long-term care and support needs should be considered as part of your personal injury claim. A successful legal claim should incorporate all of your financial losses and medical costs.

These financial expenses aren’t the only economic consequence of a pedestrian crash. When injuries are significant, they can prevent the person from returning to work. Lost wages can be extremely difficult to overcome, especially if the injury diminishes the person’s earning capacity entirely for the foreseeable future. For instance, if you suffered a work-related injury that led to the loss of your arm, then you will experience significant financial consequences as a result of never being able to perform the same level of physical duties at work as you could before the accident happened.

Litigation and Settlement Tactics

Considering the far-reaching impacts of a pedestrian crash and the injuries associated with them, it’s important to know your legal rights and options. In Illinois, it’s possible to file a pedestrian injury lawsuit after a collision that wasn’t your fault, which can help you collect money for the losses you’ve suffered.

Your right to compensation is limited, though, so it’s important to consider talking to a trusted pedestrian accident attorney quickly. There are steps you need to take, like getting timely medical care, to protect your ability to file a claim. In general, it will take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to resolve your claim entirely, so the sooner you get started, the better.

Assessing the Case

After reaching out to a lawyer, the first thing they’ll do is go over what happened with you. If you think someone else’s negligence caused your crash, then they’ll begin the discovery process, meaning they’ll begin an investigation into what happened. Your lawyer will be determined to collect evidence and documentation that shows the other party’s fault. During this stage of the process, your lawyer may consult with medical and accident reconstruction experts to get a comprehensive overview of exactly what happened, the extent of your injuries, and the possible pedestrian accident compensation available to you based on these factors.

Filing the Claim

Once your lawyer has enough evidence to prove your claims, they’ll move on to the next step of pedestrian accident litigation. To file your claim, your lawyer will compile evidence that documents the other party was at fault, the exact amount of your economic losses, and the estimated value of your non-economic losses. Official paperwork needs to be completed with the local court.

Negotiation Strategies

Next, an experienced pedestrian injury attorney in Chicago will begin expertly negotiating with the other party or their insurance company. By accurately valuing your claim in the beginning, our attorneys here at DJC Law won’t leave much room for the other party to refute your claims or attempt to minimize your losses. Instead, we’ll start off negotiations in the power position, giving us the ability to aggressively negotiate the settlement you deserve. In the typical pedestrian accident lawsuit process in Illinois, a resolution is reached during the negotiation phase.

Trial Tactics

The top Chicago pedestrian accident lawyers won’t be afraid to prepare your case for trial if the other party isn’t willing to fairly negotiate. To ensure a fair trial, your lawyer will need to be hands-on with the jury selection process, witness preparation process, and presenting your claim to the court in an effective, moving way.

Settlement Options

If you know the value of your claim and you have a strong negotiating pedestrian accident settlement attorney, then you can achieve justice outside of court. Settling without going to court saves time and money. That said, going to court can have a better payout when the other party isn’t negotiating fairly and refuses to offer you what you deserve.

Once you do reach a reasonable settlement amount, you can opt to receive it in one big lump sum payment. You can also choose to use a structured settlement agreement, which will allow you to receive your payout in multiple payouts.

Why Choose DJC Law for Your Pedestrian Accident Case

Before you rely on the first search result after Googling for a ‘pedestrian accident lawyer near me’, take the time to consider how to choose a pedestrian accident attorney in Chicago. Hiring the right legal advocate could be the difference between getting what you deserve and losing out on your ability to receive any compensation at all.

Expertise in Pedestrian Accident Cases

The first thing to consider when you Google for a ‘pedestrian accident attorney near me’ is the lawyer’s experience and expertise. An experienced pedestrian accident lawyer won’t just say they have the right skills, they’ll prove it by showing you their past case results. Use this information to determine if the lawyer has the specialized knowledge they need to represent your case in court.

Client-Centered Approach

Next, you’ll want to consider the firm’s approach to the law. The right Chicago crosswalk accident lawyer won’t treat you like another paycheck or day in the office. You want to find compassionate representation that truly personalizes your accident and wants to help you. To weigh out a lawyer’s passion, consider taking a look at their past reviews and testimonials from former clients.

Strong Advocacy

The best pedestrian accident case attorney will be ready to strongly advocate for justice in your situation. They shouldn’t shy away from aggressive negotiation tactics, and they should be willing to fight for you even if that means taking your case all the way to trial. By opting to work with a pedestrian accident claim lawyer at DJC Law, you’re choosing to team up with someone who is prepared to be your best advocate.


When you work with a Chicago pedestrian injury lawyer from DJC Law, you’re working with employees who are committed to bringing their best selves to work every day. Our representatives strive to deliver top-tier customer service and legal services, so if you’re looking for a trusted pedestrian accident lawyer in Illinois, we know we can fill that role.

Former clients, like Ivan Puentes, have said our team is “very straight forward,” while Ian Emering reviewed our firm as being “incredibly diligent.”

Jessica Garza, another one of our previous clients, has stated that she could tell our team was “genuinely concerned for my daughter and all the suffering that she’s gone through.” This passion and care provided just the reassurance our client needed to focus on caring for her daughter while our team handled the legal grunt work.

Contact DJC Law

Are you ready to get in touch with an experienced and knowledgeable pedestrian accident lawyer in Chicago? Schedule a free consultation by leaving your contact details on our online form now or call us at (888) 853-8169 now to get started. Our Chicago branch is also located at 140 S Dearborn St, Suite 1610 if you’d like to visit us in person.

Effective pedestrian accident litigation in Chicago starts with you. Reach out now.

Experiencing a pedestrian collision can leave lasting physical, emotional, and financial scars on a person’s life, which is why it is paramount to hire a compassionate pedestrian accident attorney in Chicago if you’ve found yourself in this type of situation. Here at DJC Law, our team is dedicated to achieving justice for every client that requests our services.

In your circumstances, you need to ensure you hire a pedestrian accident attorney in Chicago with the right experience and specialized knowledge to handle your claim. You also need to act in a timely manner. In general, the faster your lawyer is able to begin an investigation, the stronger your case will be overall.

Schedule a free consultation with our team now to get more information on how you can get started on your claim for justice today.