Car Accidents

Will a Pre-existing Injury Affect My Injury Claim after a Car Accident?

Legally Reviewed By Dan Christensen

This page has ben written, edited, and reviewed, by a team of our expert legal team following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by President and Founder, Daniel J Christensen who has more than 30 years of experience as a personal injury attorney

Fact checked By Dan Christensen

This page has ben written, edited, and reviewed, by a team of our expert legal team following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by President and Founder, Daniel J Christensen who has more than 30 years of experience as a personal injury attorney

Published By Dan Christensen

Last Updated March 6, 2019 – 17 minute read

Will a Pre-existing Injury Affect My Injury Claim after a Car Accident?

The purpose of a car accident lawsuit is to compensate the victim for any injuries and economic losses she has suffered. But what happens if the victim already had a pre-existing injury? For example, a motorist might have sprained her back at work while lifting something heavy. After the car accident, she complains that her back hurts, but is the car accident really to blame?

In short, whether you can receive compensation will depend on several factors, such as the severity of the injury before the car accident. An injured motorist can still receive compensation but probably should have an experienced car accident lawyer to assist them.

Has Your Injury Gotten Worse?

Let’s say you hurt your knee while playing football. You then get into a fender bender and your knee slams into the dashboard. Now you feel even more pain.

In this example, you might be able to get compensation because your pre-existing injury has been made even worse. If your knee was no worse after the accident than before, then you can’t receive any money for it. A negligent driver only needs to compensate you for injuries they have caused.

Assess whether your injury is really worse after the accident. Pain is often a good indicator, as is difficulty moving or using the affected limb. If you feel much worse, then you might have worsened your pre-existing injury.

Can You Prove the Accident Aggravated Your Injury?

It’s one thing to claim you feel more pain, but you really need to prove that the accident caused material damage to your body. Often, this means getting an MRI or other scan that can show additional injury or damage.

Let’s say you had a hairline fracture on your rib before the car accident. Now, after getting T-boned, your rib cleanly breaks in two. In this example, you could present x-rays showing the additional injury that the car accident caused.

Things are more complicated if you have a degenerative illness. For example, you might slowly be going blind. If you struck your head on the steering wheel and are suddenly blinded, it can be hard to establish that the accident is the sole blame. After all, your blindness might just be the natural progression of the degenerative condition.

How Much Compensation Can You Receive?

If you can prove that the accident clearly aggravated your pre-existing injury, then you should be able to receive compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

The amount you can receive will depend on how much worse the accident made your injuries. You might have been rehabbing a knee injury using only a brace and physical therapy. After a car accident, you might need surgery, so the driver should cover the costs of this additional treatment.

Speak to DJC Law Today

The above are only some of the considerations that go into settling a car accident claim when you have a pre-existing injury. For more individualized attention to your case, please contact an Austin car accident lawyer today at 512-888-9999.

Dan Christensen

Dan Christensen has been practicing law since 1994. He started his career working in military courts, notorious for their strict adherence to rules and procedures. For the last several years, Dan has focused his practice exclusively on representing injury victims. He has been involved in almost 200 trials during his career in numerous federal and state courts against the largest defendants, including the U.S. Government.

Years of experience: +30 years
Justia Profile: Dan Christensen
Illinois Registration Status: Active and authorized to practice law—Last Registered Year: 2024


This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of our expert legal team following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by President and Founder, Daniel J Christensen, who has more than 30 years of experience as a personal injury attorney.