If you suffer from bladder problems, you may have been prescribed Elmiron. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it in 1996. It is currently prescribed to more than a million people in the U.S. Unfortunately, after patients began complaining about vision damage, Elmiron has recently become the subject of numerous lawsuits claiming it is a dangerous drug.
Manufacturers have a duty to provide safe and effective medications to consumers who need them. When they fail in that duty, anyone harmed by dangerous drugs is likely entitled to compensation. If you were prescribed Elmiron and developed vision problems after taking it, an Elmiron lawyer could seek payment for your suffering.
Elmiron is manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a division of Johnson & Johnson. Elmiron sales account for about $150 million each year. The Janssen division developed Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine, and they were the third company to win emergency approval by the FDA. However, the company has also recalled numerous products and been sued for several defective ones, including its knee implants, Xarelto, and talcum powder.
Several Elmiron lawsuits have been filed in state courts, but lawyers expect thousands more people harmed by the treatment to come forward with their complaints. Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) is used to treat bladder conditions, particularly interstitial cystitis. Research has found that patients taking the drug are prone to pigmentary maculopathy, retina damage, and other vision problems, such as blurriness and trouble focusing. A link exists between the severity of damage and the dose and number of years a patient takes Elmiron. Although Elmiron’s patent expired in 2010, Janssen is still the only pharmaceutical company distributing the drug.
Any dangerous drug is a defective product. Under the doctrine of strict liability, manufacturers can be held liable for the damage their products do even if they didn’t realize the drug was dangerous.
Many people have criticized Johnson & Johnson, saying the company knew or should have known Elmiron was dangerous in light of complaints and research uncovering the link to eye damage. When the information became known, the company should have warned consumers about the risk of eye problems. According to state laws, by not informing patients, Johnson & Johnson acted negligently. Patients were directly harmed by taking Elmiron without knowing the risks. Our attorneys understand this and can work to hold the negligent manufacturers of Elmiron accountable.
Civil lawsuits intend to reimburse a plaintiff for any setbacks and losses caused by a defendant’s negligence. In the case of Elmiron, a monetary damages might include repayment for vision problems, medical expenses, and severe emotional trauma. Pursuing this compensation can be challenging for an unrepresented plaintiff, but a dedicated lawyer could use their years of experience to maximize the potential compensation in an Elmiron injury lawsuit.
To do this, a dedicated team member will listen to a plaintiff’s side of the story and gather substantial evidence to bolster a claim. Our attorneys might review medical charts or consult a medical expert to back up a claim that Elmiron caused a patient’s eye damage.
Research has not yet determined if there is a safe dose of Elmiron. Johnson & Johnson should have known that their product was unsafe for consumer use. If the company knew, it didn’t warn consumers.
If you were prescribed Elmiron for bladder problems and developed eye damage, your medical bills may be astronomical. The corporation that caused the harm should be held responsible for their wrongdoing and manipulation. Even if you do not have experience with civil claims or legal actions, we encourage you to speak with us.
Call an Elmiron lawyer today to get started on your case.